Equity, Fixed Income Indices Fall; Commodities a Rare Bright Spot

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Kristin Bradbury assesses global stock, bond, and real assets markets in 1Q22.

U.S. Stocks Thrive While Global ex-U.S. Shares Lag; U.S. Fixed Income Flat

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Kristin Bradbury analyzes 4Q21 performance for U.S. and global equities and fixed income.

Do Fiscal Policies Influence Investment Returns?

Paul Erlendson examines whether fiscal policy and tax rates affect investment returns.

Rising Rates! Why the Heck Do We Own Bonds?

Economic growth

Alex Browning and Adam Lozinski analyze how investment-grade bonds can fit into nonprofit portfolios.

Equities Off to a Strong Start; Inflation Fears Haunt Bonds

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U.S. equities outpaced global stocks in 1Q21. The 10-year U.S. Treasury yield hit its highest intraday yield in 15 months during the quarter.

The Gray Areas in Green Bonds

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A common challenge for those investing in green bonds is that there is no uniform set of requirements or standards. This makes analysis and monitoring critical.

Bloomberg Barclays Pricing Time Change and What It Means for Institutional Investors

Asset owners, investment managers, and other parties may experience discrepancies in reporting point-in-time pricing or performance as a result.

Why the Yield Curve Is Really Curving

Economic growth

As prospects for growth have brightened, yields on longer maturity bonds have risen while short-term rates have been anchored by the Fed.

The ‘Agg’: More Than the Name Has Changed

Developed in 1986, the index commonly known as the “Agg” started life as the Lehman Aggregate Index. But after Lehman’s ignominious end, it became the Barclays Aggregate Index, and is now formally known as the Bloomberg Barclays US Aggregate Bond Index. Naming convention aside, the Agg represents the U.S. investment-grade broad fixed income benchmark used […]