Breaking the Ice on Retirement Income Solutions—A Conversation Starter

While prevalence is low, DC plans are increasingly adding a discussion of retirement income solutions to their agendas.

Bill Would Create Annuity Safe Harbor

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In theory, the promise of guaranteed income in retirement seems like a great idea. The 2006 Pension Protection Act took steps to limit the fiduciary implications of including annuities in defined contribution (DC) plans. But according to Callan’s 2019 DC Trends Survey, few plans offer annuities either as a form of distribution payment (11%) or as […]

Choices for the ‘Distribution Phase’ of DC Plans

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View Our Paper It may be hard to believe, but the 401(k)—the most popular type of defined contribution (DC) plan—turned 40 this year. Up to now, the retirement industry has focused on improving the “accumulation phase” of DC plans. But as DC plans enter middle age, the retirement industry should start thinking more about the […]